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The Constitution

[Founded 1901]

  1. Name

    1. The Society shall be called The King's School, Grantham, Old Boys' Society.
  2. Objects

    1. The objects of the Society shall be to promote good fellowship between Old Granthamians and to provide and maintain a contact between Old Boys and the School.
  3. Membership

    1. Any Old Boy, of the King's School, Grantham, shall be qualified for Membership of the King's School, Grantham, Old Boy's Society, and shall become a Member of the Society upon payment of the Subscription due either annually or for Life.
    2. Masters (Past and Present) shall become Members ex officio on application.
    3. The Committee shall have the discretionary power to recommend for election at each Annual General Meeting the names of Old Boys and Masters of the School considered worthy of the status of Honorary Life Member.
    4. The Committee shall have the power to refuse or terminate Membership of the Society.
  4. Subscriptions

    1. The Subscription and Membership year shall run from the 1st January in each year to the following 31st December.
    2. The rates of Subscription for each category of Membership (Annual or Life) shall be decided by the Committee. A reduced Subscription for the first period of Membership to the following 31st December may be adopted.
    3. The Treasurer shall report to the Committee the names of all Members in arrears with their subscriptions for two years, and the Committee shall, if they think fit, instruct the Honorary Treasurer to strike the name of the offending member off the list of Members of the Society.
  5. General Corm1ittee

    1. The management and control of the Society in all its aspects shall be vested in the Committee which shall consist of Officers, namely, the President, Vice President, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Membership Secretary and two Editors of the Magazine and Members, namely, l, elected Members together with the irm1ediate Past President who may serve as an ex officio member of the Committee for the three years immediately following his term of office. The Headmaster and School Liaison Officer are Honorary Members of the Committee.
    2. Seven shall constitute a quorum.
    3. The Officers and nine Members shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting and shall be eligible for re-election.
    4. The nine elected Members of the Committee shall hold office for three years.
    5. In the case of the death or resignation of any Officer or elected Member of the Committee, the Committee shall co-opt any member of the Society to fill the unexpired period of office of the Member replaced. The co-opting of such Member to be confirmed at the next Annual General Meeting.
    6. At each Annual General Meeting, three of the elected Members shall retire by rotation, and shall be eligible for re-election.
    7. All nominations for election to the Committee must be submitted to the Honorary Secretary in writing not less than seven (7) days prior to the Annual General Meeting.
  6. Secretary and Treasurer

    1. The Secretary shall keep, on behalf of the Society, minutes of all meetings and proper records of the Society affairs generally. All communications relating to the affairs of the Society shall be written and replied to by the Secretary under the direction of the Committee.
    2. The Secretary shall supply each Member with copies of all notices and invitations issued by the Society.
    3. The Treasurer shall, on behalf of the Society, keep proper records of accounts of the Society's financial affairs generally. He shall pay all sums of expenditure authorised by the Committee and shall prepare Annual Accounts up to 31st December for the Committee's approval and for Audit before the Annual General Meeting.
  7. Powers and Duties of the Committee.

    1. The Committee may from time to time appoint such Sub-Committees as they think necessary, and may refer to them such powers and duties as the Committee may determine.
    2. The Committee shall hold a meeting at least three times in the year. The Honorary Secretary shall send to each Member of the Committee seven (7) days’ notice of all Committee Meetings.
    3. The Honorary Secretary at any time may, and on the requisition in writing of at least seven (7) Members of the Committee shall, summon a Special Meeting of the Committee, not more than seven (7) days after the receipt of such requisition, and the Meeting to be held within fourteen (14) days of the date of the notice of the Meeting.
    4. The Committee shall have the power to approve the formation of branches of the Society based on the geographical residence of Members, subject to the following:-
      1. Branch Members must be Members of the Society.
      2. A Branch may elect its own Committee and form its own rules, subject to the approval of the Offices of the Society.
      3. The President of the Society shall be ex officio President of any Branch of the Society.
      4. A Branch Committee shall elect its own Chair/Coordinator who shall have the power to call meetings, arrange events etc.
      5. Such Chair/Coordinator shall become an ex-officio Member of the Society's Committee.
      6. Financial arrangements to cover costs of Branch matters and events shall be the responsibility of the Chair/Coordinator, subject to liaison with the Honorary Treasurer of the Society.
    5. The Committee shall have power to determine any dispute arising out of the interpretation or execution of the Society’s Rules.
  8. Annual General Meeting

    1. There shall be held in Grantham during March or as early as possible in April, an Annual General Meeting of Members of the Society. Any Member of the Society shall be entitled to be present and vote at all General Meetings of the Society, provided that his Subscription is not in arrears. In the event of a tie in the voting at any Meeting of the Society, the Chair shall have a casting vote.
    2. The Honorary Secretary shall send at least fourteen (14) days’ notice of all General Meetings to each member of the Society in Great Britain, together with a statement of the Agenda.
    3. The business of the meeting shall include the following items:-
      1. To approve the Audited Annual Accounts.
      2. To receive the Report of the Committee.
      3. To elect Officers and Committee Members.
      4. To elect two Honorary Auditors.
      5. To consider any business of which due notice has been given.
    4. If any Member intends to propose at the Annual General Meeting any business, he shall give notice in writing of such business, such notice to reach the Honorary Secretary at least twenty-eight (28) days before the date of such meeting, and the Honorary Secretary shall insert such business in the statement of Agenda.
  9. Special General Meetings

    1. The Honorary Secretary may, and upon the requisition in writing of at least twenty (20) Members of the Society, shall summon a Special General Meeting of the Society, not more than seven (7) days after the receipt of such requisition and such meeting to be held within fourteen (14) days of the notice.
    2. The business of the Meeting shall be confined to such business as is specified in the convening notice.
  10. Rules

    1. These Rules shall be subject to alteration at any General Meeting of the Society, provided at least two-thirds of the Members present and voting, vote in favor of such alteration.
    2. Every Member shall have a copy of the Rules of the Society.
  11. Annual Dinner

    1. An Annual Dinner shall be held on the day of the Old Boys' and King's School Rugby Football Match or on such other date as the Committee may decide.
  12. Society Tie

    1. The registered Tie of the Society shall be available to Members of the Society only and shall be obtained either from the School Liaison Officer if joining the Society on leaving School or at any time from the Honorary Secretary, or Honorary Treasurer.
  13. Society Magazine

    1. The Society shall publish annually a Magazine called "The Old Granthamian" which shall be circulated to all Members of the Society.
  14. Winding Up

    1. The Society shall be wound up and dissolved if a Resolution to that effect be passed at a Special General Meeting called for such purpose of which not less than four weeks' notice has been sent to Members.
    2. A Resolution for winding up shall not be valid unless carried by a majority of two-thirds of those present and voting.
    3. Upon winding up the net surplus assets of the Society (if any) shall be transferred or paid to such Charity or Charities and if more than one in such proportions as the said Meeting (or any adjournment thereof) shall be simple majority vote decide.

AMENDMENT TO RULE 5 (changes in bold)

  1. General Committee

    1. The management and control of the Society in all its aspects shall be vested in the Committee, which shall consist of Officers, namely, the President, Vice-President, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Membership Secretary and two Editors of the Magazine and Members, namely, six elected Members together with the immediate Past President who may serve as an ex-officio member of the Committee for the three years immediately following his term of office. The Headmaster and School Liaison Officer are Honorary Members of the Committee.
    2. Five shall constitute a quorum.
    3. The Officers and six Members shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting and shall be eligible for re-election.
    4. The six elected Members of the Committee shall hold office for three years.
    5. In the case of the death or resigoation of any Officer or elected Member of the Committee, the Committee shall co-opt any member of the Society to fill the unexpired period of office of the Member replaced. The co-opting of such a Member is to be confirmed at the next Annual General Meeting.
    6. At each Annual General Meeting, two of the elected Members shall retire by rotation, and shall be eligible for re-election.
    7. All nominations for election to the Committee must be submitted to the Honorary Secretary in writing not less than seven (7) days prior to the Annual General Meeting.

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